Where Aixa Comes From...

Arturo Diaz Artiles
Arturo Diaz Artiles

"El que da, siempre tiene - Those who give, always have”  This was one of my dad’s favorite sayings, and they are words that he lived by. He opened the second Cuban – owned pharmacy in Miami in 1965, and it became a focal point for the growing community of Cuban exiles for the next forty years. In August, he was recognized by the City of Miami with the dedication of Arturo Diaz Artiles Plaza, in Little Havana (Calle ocho & 23 Ave).  Much of his adult life was about providing for his family and his community, and he became an American Patriot who fought hard against Communism and injustice – both during his younger days in Cuba, and his later days in Miami.


I am so proud to be his daughter, and try to live up to his example with the work that I do every day.  It is an honor and joy to share this with you, my extended family of clients and friends.

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